OLYMPUS E.ZUIKO AUTO-T 1:3.5 f = 135mm

Focal length: 135mm
Mount: OM
Aperture: F 3.5 - F 22
Min focus distance: 1.5m
Length (from flange): 74/88mm
[+ 27mm for the adapter]
Diameter: 59mm
Weight: 288 gr.

Some pictures:

A7 and the lens.

Sample pictures: You may click on the sample image (except closest focus) for full resolution. The full resolution image opens in a new window, so you can keep it open for comparison. Focus is on the satellite dish in the center of the photo.

F 3.5.

F 8.

F 22.

Closest focus is 150cm (!) from outermost edge of the lens, so there is no picture.

This lens is sought after, so it's a bit more expensive. Have a look at the pictures and you know why. Wide open it's sharp already. Stopped down it's a wonderful sharp lens. There is a 2.8 variant, which is bigger, heavier and much more expensive for just a gain of half a stop.The lens has no close focussing capablities. Compared to other 135mm lenses, size and weight are small, as nearly all Olympus lenses.
